Empath Blocking Techniques

Empath Blocking Techniques

Once again, I feel the need to blog about being an empath. This issue is very close to my heart and almost always on my mind due to the fact that I am what they call an “out of control empath”, which means that I have trouble blocking out other people’s emotional “garbage” and it becomes a problem for me. That said, I suspect that there are other out of control empaths reading this blog that may be enduring the same struggles that I am.

As an empath, I feel everything from everybody around me. If somebody is sad, I feel sad and have no idea why. The same goes for all of the other emotions: happiness, grief, anger, excitement, anxiety, etc. I can also feel when somebody is hiding something from me or someone else. I know when people are being deceptive or illusive. If somebody around me has bad intentions, I feel that too. Most of the time, the emotions are so strong that I can’t determine whether what I am feeling are my own emotions or belong to somebody around me. At this point, being an empath becomes somewhat of a burden rather than a gift.

11698518_861041660598862_3683765686264740626_nBeing an empath also takes a physical toll on my body. Think about energies for a moment, because emotions and energies are one in the same to an empath. When you spend the day out working in the sun, you are using your “energy”. At the end of the day, you have no more energy until you sleep and recharge your body, right? Well, when you’re an empath, you are using more energy than you are acquiring. After a while, this weakens your body and can even cause physical pain and chronic fatigue. I have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, which coincidentally is referred to as “The Psychic’s Disease”.

The good news is that there are ways to learn to block yourself from feeling everybody’s emotional garbage. The bad news is that it is very hard to learn how to block. Personally, I have a hard time learning to say no to people who are in crisis, even though I know it will cause me physical and emotional pain. I just care too much sometimes, which is usually the issue with empaths. We have a lot of trouble taking care of ourselves because we are so wrapped up in the desire to help and heal the world in any way that we can. In reality, this is doing more harm than good.

I am going to share one technique that I use when I am feeling too much from my environment. It’s just a visualization that seems to work for most empaths, so long as you can find a calm place to practice and ultimately perfect the technique. First, you sit down quietly (hopefully you have a place you can go that is quiet). Then, you visualize a waterfall flowing into your body through the top of your head. You must actually see the water filling your body and grabbing all of the emotional crap that you are feeling. See it filling your arms, stomach, legs and finally draining out through your feet. Imagine that the negativity is turning the water black and leaving through your toes. Continue to visualize until you feel calm, grounded, and centered again. This technique has taken me over a year to learn, and I still have trouble with it at times. If you can practice this several times a day, you will become much more in control and will feel 100% better.

As always, I wish the brightest of blessings to each and every one of you, and I am usually only a click away for anybody that needs help. Stay blessed!

4 thoughts on “Empath Blocking Techniques

  1. Thankyou ..this makes so much scense to me ..for years i wondered why i cant say no to ppl …i am a strong lady..a scorpio..and love my life…but get far too emotionaly involved with EVERYONE . Will be trying this ..if i can find the time .. Lynn.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love this article. Thank you. I relate whole hearted. For years I did not know there was a name for us let a lone others having this. It is especially true for me with animals. I can feel it so strongly that I almost become physically sick. Thank you again and I would love to hear more from you regarding this subject. I’m a nurse so wow drained to the bone.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Have I mentioned how helpful I find your blog? It’s reassuring to read another person’s experience and see my own reflected. Awesome!

    This is an excellent technique, and similar to one that I use. Have you also developed the practice of simply taking breaks when you feel overwhelmed? Stepping away for 3-5 minutes as needed has gotten me through a LOT of tough situations.


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