My Haunted House-Part One

From Phone 1793About a month ago, my family and I moved into a new house.  You see, my husband is an apartment manager in Las Vegas.  The company that he works for really needed him to be an on-site manager at their other property.  The bonus is that we get twice as much space as what we’re used to.  The downfall is that this house is the most haunted location that I have ever entered.

When I came to check out this house, I did a good energy read on it and decided that for some reason I absolutely had to have this house.  I was drawn to it like a moth to the light.  Within a few days of living here, I felt like I had been tricked.  I kept seeing a spirit, who appears to be an older black gentleman.  My husband (the non-empath) also sees this man.  We see and feel him around several times a day.  He moves things.  He makes noise.  He shows himself.  I even find myself talking to him occasionally and calling him “Pops”.

From Phone 1787Every single day, like clockwork, I go absolutely crazy between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.  I become extremely aggressive and violent every afternoon. Yesterday, I lit a blue candle and asked the house and all of its energies to give me peace.  I made a little art project with the candle wax and some sea shells as an offering of sorts.  When I placed the offering in my kitchen window, I began to receive pictures of what has happened in this house.  I started walking my husband through the house, telling him what pictures came to my mind and what emotions I felt with each area.  I kept thinking to myself that I am really going crazy now.

From Phone 1919This morning, an old friend of mine came over and told me the same exact story that I told my husband yesterday.  I can not fathom any reason on Earth that I should have been able to tell the same story that was told to us today.  I should never have known any of these details.  I never even knew that there was a murder in this house, or I may not have moved into it.  Now, I just wonder if there is a reason that I was so drawn to this house.  Maybe I’m supposed to do something about it, but I just don’t know where to start or if I should even mess with this.

To Be Continued…

2 thoughts on “My Haunted House-Part One

  1. Wow! I don’t really know what to say. I wish you the best of luck. Please be careful and take care of yourself. That is what is most important.

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