Fibromyalgia is Stealing My Life

11846597_873148999388128_6249183378152531863_nI sit back quietly and observe all of the changes that my body has gone through so far this year.  It saddens me to realize that I am nothing like I was a year ago.  It seems like I’ve aged a decade in only 8 months.  You see, I have fibromyalgia and it is slowly robbing me of my life…

I think back to January of this year quite fondly.  My sons got a huge trampoline for Christmas.  It was the biggest present they had ever received in their little lives.  Back then I was healthier, so I would spend day after day jumping on that trampoline with my babies.  We would all giggle like little kids, and for a moment being an empath was not bad at all.  Maybe it was even a huge bonus because I was absorbing the happiest of energies in my little world.  That ecstasy was robbed from me in less than two months.  I’ve barely been able to walk since March.  Every time I go out on my porch and see it, I want to cry.

11873349_873537706015924_2840702692517732951_nI yearn for the days when I could move like a normal 31-year woman.  I miss playing with my kids, and they certainly miss playing with me.  I want to be able to walk my dog, and take my kids to the park.  I want to be able to go on my 5-mile walks, and jog in the morning air before the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood gets going.

These days I can’t even cook a meal or wash a dish because of the ever present chronic pain that fibromyalgia has dragged into my life.  I’m unable to participate in most of my former hobbies.  My life is literally being stolen from me and there is nothing that I can do about it.

11742802_861816377188057_3397913217281099632_nIn case you don’t know anything about fibromyalgia, I will share my personal symptoms with you.  This is in no way a complete list, but you’ll get the general idea from it.  I have constant, chronic pain in every muscle of my body all of the time.  There are good days, and there are bad days.  Sound, light and air hurt me.  A gentle touch can feel like someone punched me due to the oversensitivity of the nerves.  Fibromyalgia is often referred to as “The Psychic’s Disease”, and most of the empaths that I know have it.  Pain and weakness in the extremities has become the biggest nuisance for me, and I find myself falling more often than I care to admit.

The worst part of this whole situation for me is the internal battle that is raging on in my heart and mind.  Once again I will say this:  I am only 31 years old.  I should still be the extremely independent person that I was only a year ago.  I find myself doing things that I know are not a good idea so that I can prove to myself that I am not really this bad off.  All this does is prove to me that I am falling apart quicker that I ever imagined, which is leading to a depression.  Everybody is always telling me to go lay down, or to get some rest, but I just don’t want to give up yet.  I’m getting too tired to fight anymore.

11707596_854714281231600_4511390032846344987_nI’m well aware that this is the downside of being an empath, as the two are very closely related.  I find myself constantly contemplating whether this gift outweighs the pain.  Honestly, I’m never too sure either way.  The only thing that I know for sure it that there is nothing I can do about it.  I am an empath and that is a fact that will not likely change anytime soon.  Things could always be worse, and if I don’t keep a positive attitude the pain will become excessively worse for me.  Moral of the story:  Always find the inner light, even when you’re in your darkest storms.  Blessings of health and comfort to each and every one of you.

-Lady Ariel

8 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia is Stealing My Life

  1. namaste beloved, now i just came to this space but the sad part is that I’ve been experiencing pains all my life,just finding out that I am a highly sensitive empathic healer,so i have learnt so many different healing modalities just to deal with all the pains,I really dont like to take goodies anymore since it dont work,but new flash in my research i came across a site that said to use aluminum foil and place it on the part of the body with an ace band,over night,it worked for my toothache,lower back my god please stop the pains i am unable to take times i just want to live by myself,cause not everyone is on the same journey will understand ya best wishes

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  2. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with this. Though it does not compare to what you’re experiencing, I dealt with horrible chronic fatigue last year that got bad enough that I would cry out of desperation and hopelessness. I finally got it under control through nutrition, sunlight exposure, and a little exercise. Have you tried any elimination diets or holistic treatments geared toward eliminating fibromyalgia? I know someone who is suffering from many of the symptoms you’ve described, but she has a very poor diet, which I imagine just exacerbates this condition.

    This might not help at all, but here’s an interesting read I came across earlier today about healing from disease:

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  3. I was relieved when I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia years after my failed back surgeries (which causes me to constantly struggle with pain as well). I felt ridiculous when my husband would gently squeeze my arm causing me to cry out out in pain. I felt like a big baby. I was embarrassed and so very angry with myself. After my rheumatologist told me there was a reason for my all over body pain and chronic fatigue, I felt empowered. It had a name! It was acknowledged! I wasn’t crazy! Having been identified, it was no longer a nameless torturer, and for some reason that gave me solace, and at the same time the will to fight the nasty beast. As you know, there are good days and horrible days, and then there are indescribable misery-filled days. Hang in there, and learn as much as you can about it. The more you know and understand, the more leverage you have in controlling your days, whatever kind they may be. Knowledge is power; use it well. Many Blessings on Your Journey )O(

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep… I understand that all too well. This condition is really new to me so I’m really struggling with it a bit. Thank you so much for your kind words. Blessings to you and yours.


  4. Lady Ariel, I cannot thank you enough for writing about your remarkable struggle. I too am an Empath, a Highly Sensitive Person, and fellow Intuitive living with the extremes of Fibromyalgia. I thank you for your raw honesty in describing your daily journey and how it affects your relationship with your family. I felt an immediate connection with you and this page. Thank you again!

    Liked by 2 people

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